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Thursday, June 26, 2014

237/365 Date with D

I took D to the lake behind our church to practice casting with his new fishing pole (and to make it like a photo "session").  Fun date night, just the two of us.  Of course, we ended the date with ice cream.  The only negative was out of my 80+ photos almost HALF were back focused! Half. I will be lens testing again.  I borrowed a really nice tripod from my MIL (the one I use is my husbands and is not really a camera tripod and is for a laser level) so hopefully I will have more conclusive results this time.


  1. Maria, these are so pretty!! Especially the first and the second one! I absolutely love the tones...deep...The reflection of the trees in the second picture is great especially that white part...it makes the photo breathing...very good job!!

  2. These are incredible! I love the second one, the way the trees are reflected in water and the darkness of the third one as well. Super work!!

  3. The one of him in the woods in the spot of light is absolutely perfect! Love everything about it!
