Header collage

Header collage

Monday, June 9, 2014

220/365 First Birthday Party


  1. Ahhh I love these! I love the one of him peeking around the corner, and the ones of the icing and the cupcakes are fabulous, the light is perfect!! They look so soft--not OOF soft, just nice and soft and sweet...are these SOOC or did you process them?? Either way I love them!!

    1. Thanks, Missy! I did edit these, but very minimally. I shot auto w/b and took w/b shots w/ my expodisc and then sync'd them in LR. Other than that, all I did was a minor adjustment on exposure on a few and I did do luminance noise reduction (these were shot iso 3200 & 6400), and a slight vignette for most. I still have to go through and touch up some clipped highlights (on the white icing for the cupcake shot and maybe on the highchair, if I feel like it, to make sure it will print well) though.

      So, I'm assuming the softness you're refering to isn't noise since you said it wasnt' about focus, but a softness in tones. I think that comes from the lighting. He was directly across from our bay window, but his chair was on the other side of our dining table. He was prob a good 6 feet back from the window and it was a cloudy day. So, the lighting was pretty flat with very little contrast and shadows, but I like how it looks for these (and I wouldn't want to do a b/w conversion for these, anyhow).

  2. These are adorable! I love the third and fifth images. The perspective is just wonderful. What great shots to have for his whole life!
