Around the time I was thinking that I should take some photos for today, I slipped and fell down the stairs. I think I may have bruised my tailbone and while I grabbed for the handrail (I missed) my hand hit one of the metal spindles in between my pinkie and ring finger, and I already have a bruise on my ring finger just above my wedding ring. I am so thankful I wasn't carrying Baby A! Nor did I do any damage to my wedding ring. (Just my hand..ha!) I'm supposed to resume teaching Pilates this week...haha! (hand slap to forehead)
Anyhow, I didn't get a photo today, so here's one of D from earlier this week. He kept trying to get out of his "quiet time" (he rarely naps anymore) and I told him I would come get him when it was time for quiet time to be over. When I went up to get him this is how I found him...and, yes, that is a glove on his hand.
ISO 3200