I've been thinking since starting this blog that I need a picture of myself and today I started to attempt a self portrait. It did not go very well and I did not have enought time to really devote to it today, but I will keep trying. So, I didn't get a picture until tonight. I took some photos of D in the bathtub playing and baby A eating dinner, but I had a bit of a hard time choosing because none were that great. In fact, most were downright boring snapshots. I tried to think of a unique angle, etc, but I mostly just had sort of an uninspired day. And, since all the photos were inside at night I had to set a custom white balance using a white piece of paper (An expodisc is on my Christmas list, but I don't have a gray card or a camera with a Kelvin option) and sometimes came out pretty wonky so I had to edit each one.
1/125 sec
ISO 1600
I have a hard time coming up with unique angles too....I think this is terrific! I really like the perspective you used for this shot, with the main focal area being the side of the face of the sweet little snoozing one!!