Header collage

Header collage

Monday, May 26, 2014

206/365 Standing Up

The weather has been gorgeous, and we've been spending lots of time outside the past few days. It has helped Baby A become more interested in walking since he can't crawl on his hands and knees.  He's started "elephant" walking and yesterday stood up by himself a few times.  

He is also so interested in the strawberries.  We can't keep him away.

 A good shot with Grandma yesterday.

205/365 Playing Together

Sunday, May 25, 2014

204/365 Pot Pie

Grandma and Grandad watched the boys while Dave and I went out for a date night, and this was the chicken pot pie I made for them and the boys for dinner (which is why it wasn't cooked yet)

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Sunday, May 18, 2014

198/365 Bored babies find michief

197/365 Zoo

Baby A's first trip to the zoo.  We didn't have a long time to spend, but it was fun.  I also have not been since getting my big camera, so I had a lot of fun taking photos of the animals and the weather was beautiful...not too hot, not too cold, which made the animals more interactive.  This is a large share, but I was excited for this outing and for the first day in at least a week without rain.

Pushed the limits on my gear with this one...f2, 1/500sec, ISO 12800

The komodo dragons are new this spring.

I think this guy is happy with his new home at our zoo.haha.

Little field mice were in the Amazon rain forest building.  I don't think they are wanted visitors, but they were really brave and I was able to get quite close.  As close as I cared to, in fact.

 Baby A on the way home...he plays with his hair when he gets tired...just like his mama.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

194/365 Sandbox

I've been working a little more on finding a pp style lately. I am going for clean edits but with a little oomph and polish (I have been adding in a touch of matte lately).  Feel free to let me know what you think.