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Header collage

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

151/365 Swinging

Baby A's first time on the swing.  He wasn't too sure about it at first.  I shot this RAW w/ auto WB. I know the WB isn't right, but between the light changing while he was swinging and the color cast from the swing, I gave up.


  1. Such a cute face!! Love the shot of his little feet dangling too!

  2. These are great memories!! I love the shot of the little feet and that first expression is priceless. I am bad, I still shoot only JPG and use auto white balance at all times. I so want to learn to shoot with Kelvin settings, I just need to take the time to memorize them so I can get that more under control!!

    1. I wish I could shoot kelvin, too! but it's not an option on my camera.

  3. These are great! The last one is outstanding! I like the perspective and the background...it's a perfect photo for me...:) I always shoot auto WB outside...you can adjust it in Lightroom later anyway. If I had kelvins on my camera, I would probably try to learn to shoot with those settings for sure...Sometimes I use my grey card and synchronize photos in LR...

  4. I love this series!! The last is so beautiful! Also brothers laughing always melts my heart :) Oh & the first shot, oh my goodness his face is jus too much.. Nice captures :)

  5. Wow! Great series of shots! You caught such a precious moment between the two! Handsome boys you have!

  6. I love the one of just his feet. So cute.
