Header collage

Header collage

Sunday, April 27, 2014

177/365 Daddy's Helper

Working on some projects around the house this weekend, and I really barely thought about taking photos.  I did catch this snapshot, though.

176/365 Dishwasher

175/365 Award

My MIL won the "Reading Teacher of the Year" award.  I didn't ask if I could post any photos on my blog, so I am just going to post this one.

Monday, April 21, 2014

169/365 Bike Riding

171/365 First Family Photo Session

We attempted our first family photo session yesterday.  I set up the tripod and my mom came along to click the shutter so I didn't have to keep running back and forth.  I am a little disappointed in the focus on the first one, but I kinda did something silly...I use bbf and didn't put my camera on "one shot" to lock in the focus...lesson for next time!  I am pretty happy with the lighting.  CC Welcomed!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

166/365 Easter Eggs (photo heavy for no particular reason)

D and I colored Easter eggs. He has been nagging me to do this for weeks, even after I explained we would have to wait until close to Easter so the eggs wouldn't go bad.  This year he wanted the package with sequins and glitter. Glitter...oh, the glitter.

Baby A is starting table food and enjoys feeding himself...

Incidently, he tends to be a hair-toucher...

He ended his evening watching Daddy mow the grass.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

165/365 Rabbit

I took this out the window.  We've had a ton of rabbits in our backyard and it's been fun to watch.  Although, I'm not sure we will feel the same way after we try to plant a garden.  It was really cute the other night when there were 2 young rabbits playing and jumping over one another.  D was watching from the window and said to me, "Mommy, did you know bunny rabbits are associated with Easter?"  I made him repeat it.  I heard it the first time, but wanted to hear him say "associated" again. :-)

Saturday, April 12, 2014

162/365 Another one bites the dust

There goes another pair...it's a good thing it's almost shorts weather.

Monday, April 7, 2014


I'm feeling uninspired the last few days.  It has been dark, rainy, and dreary and our schedule has been off.  I will get back to commenting on other blogs soon.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

153/365 Thunderstorm

We had thunderstorms all day .

152/365 Fish Game

It was "dentist day" at preschool and two dentists came to visit D's class.  This game was in the goody bag they passed out.  I managed to hook all the rings and D was impressed.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

151/365 Swinging

Baby A's first time on the swing.  He wasn't too sure about it at first.  I shot this RAW w/ auto WB. I know the WB isn't right, but between the light changing while he was swinging and the color cast from the swing, I gave up.