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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

40/365 Train Table Time

ISO 800

ISO 800

ISO 800



  1. Wow! He looks so focused:) Great compositions and I love the colors! Maria, what lens do you have?...I mean the brand and all...I don't know which one to buy and when I start to complicate, everything get even worse:)

    1. I shoot with a Canon. It came with 2 kit lenses (a 18-55mm and 55-250mm) and I also bought a Canon 50mm f1.8 separately.I use the 50mm about 99% of the time since it's better in low light/indoors and a little faster since I mostly shoot my boys. I really like it. It's a great beginner lens since it has such a wide max aperture, a fixed aperture, and it's very inexpensive (as far as lenses are concerned $110). There's also a 1.4 that's about $300 but was not in my budget along with the camera. I'm sure Nikon's 50mm are probably very comparable.

      The only things about this lens are the lens is a little soft at f1.8 but really nice and sharp at closer to 2.8 (there is 2.0 and 2.2 in between and I'm still trying to figure out how those compare to the softness at 1.8.) And, since I have a crop sensor camera (1.6x for Canon, I think Nikon's is 1.5x factor) 50mm is really like 80mm, so it can be a little tight if you are in a small room. Our house is pretty open so it's not usually a problem for me, but I did notice some of it's limitations on Thanksgiving at my in-laws who have a less open floor plan that I was running in to walls trying to back up to get D and his 2 cousins all in my shots. So, if you have a less open space you may want to consider a 35mm or even 20mm.

      What are you looking for in a new lens? Have you checked out the lens series on clickitupanotch? She compares a lot of the lenses and talks crop factors, etc.with photos for exampes. I found it helpful.

  2. Thanks! First I wanted to buy 50mm but then I realized that my camera isn't full frame, so I was thinking about 35mm. There is one great Nikon lens 35mm f/1.8G AF-S DX NIKKOR but I'm concerned about chromatic aberration which is the main problem here. Everything else is beyond great...sharpness is fantastic an all but chromatic aberration is a huge problem. For a little while I've been thinking about 24-70mm but it's a little (a lot) over my budget now...there are so many things I like to photograph, but as you can see on my blog, I take close ups a lot...macro lens is definitely on my wish list, but it's probably more important to have something 'essential' first and 50mm is essential...not so good for portraits though...ah...sometimes I feel like I need them all:))
    I will check out those articles on clickitupanotch and then I'll see...:) Thanks again:)
